Consortium and structure

Consortium and structure

The purpose of the CREACTIVE management team

is to plan, organize and monitor the integrated effort in order to achieve the project objectives within time-schedule and budget constraints. The project will be objective-driven with a clearly defined structure based on individual, but closely interconnected work packages co-ordinated by a coherent management structure.
Centrally, the project and consortium will be managed by two decision-making bodies, the General Assembly, and the Steering Committee, which will be advised by a committee of external experts (Scientific Advisory Board), regrouping representatives of leading institutions in the field, both within and outside EU, with a view to reflecting the international scope and ambition of this project.

A Project Management Team (PMT) will be established to provide technical support and ensure the administration of the two bodies. In addition, the PMT will liaise with the Commission services, in particular the Project Officer, and transfer information in both directions.
The WP leaders will transfer information from the WP level to the PMT and Steering Committee and vice versa.
The Country Coordinators will transfer information from the country level to the PMT and Steering Committee and vice versa.
The overall management framework of the CREACTIVE project is schematised in the chart below.

Management structure of CREACTIVE team

Management structure of CREACTIVE team